Goodbye Alcohol: A Breakup Letter Alcohol and You

goodbye alcohol letter but i dont blame you

Be prepared to give clear reasons for your change of heart. Count the reasons in your head, then lay them out on paper. You are filled with empty promises that you’ll play nice and only come to visit once in a while. Instead, you camped out in my home, my car, my office and even went so far as to hide in my suitcase on our family trip to Disneyland. You know they don’t serve alcohol in the park.

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goodbye alcohol letter but i dont blame you

For me, it was such a love-hate bond we had under the false pretense that I “needed” you to have fun, be social or to handle my emotions and stress. You had a way about you that made drinking seem like some kind of luxurious necessity. You preyed on my curiosity and then alcoholism treatment you sunk your teeth in with the hook that “all the cool kids” hang out with you so maybe I should too. To be honest, when it’s all said and done, I’m probably the one at fault here.

  • As a person in recovery myself, I have also had to write a different sort of letter in the past several years.
  • It’s not your responsibility to help with additional clarifications.
  • For too long, I let you control me and even hated myself at times.
  • Instead, you camped out in my home, my car, my office and even went so far as to hide in my suitcase on our family trip to Disneyland.

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goodbye alcohol letter but i dont blame you

All those sad midnights looking in the mirror. We had become such closet companions towards the end. I seemed to need you for damn near everything. I’m not gonna say good-bye without a thank you. I appreciate all the confidence you gave me, especially during those college years. You took away tons of stress and even gave me some pretty cool dance moves.

Writing a Goodbye Letter to Alcohol: Example and Worksheet

You have been a distraction that I could always rely on. You have been ever-present in my life; when I was happiest, at my saddest, through grief and struggles, always there at the biggest events in my life. You were there when I was vulnerable, at my lowest, when I needed to escape. I knew I could always pick you up and continue where we left off.

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goodbye alcohol letter but i dont blame you

I even buried it in a cemetery down the street from my house. My new relationship with sobriety is by far the best one ever. I was lost in love with you for such a long time. I thought I had lost myself forever, but I hadn’t. I needed to be lost so that I could really find myself. I needed to love you so I could leave you.

goodbye alcohol letter but i dont blame you

I’m connecting with myself and others goodbye alcohol letter in an authentic, genuine and mindful way these days. You once had me trapped in a mindset of worry and struggle, which introduced me to your close friends – anxiety,shame, and guilt. Once I got more acquainted with them, I knew they, just like you, weren’t my real friends. They only visited when they wanted to manipulate me and make me feel like less of a person. I realized they all came as a result of my interactions with you. Like I said already, one of the things that gave me a sense of comfort was writing a goodbye letter to addiction.

  • The reality was that you caused those feelings within me in the first place.
  • I was not me when I used you, but a variation of somebody I thought I wanted to be.
  • They deserve me without you tagging along.

Tips for Enhancing Motivation for Change in Substance Abuse Treatment

I was not me when I used you, but a variation of somebody I thought I wanted to be. I abused you until you started to abuse me back. I justified using you, saying that you fueled my creativity when in reality all you did was sap away a bright and alert mind. For half my life you acted like a crutch, but now you have left me crippled. As much as I’d like to blame you for what’s happened to me, our relationship started out with good intentions and just imploded itself. They say it’s not something that consciously happens, and it really was out of my control.

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